
Beaver colony sparks alarm at Station 11

Hundreds of Beavers Overrun Museum


Prof. Ringtail talks science with the 32nd Ottawa Colony

Venturer plans

Tuesday November 4 VAF

32nd Ottawa Colony Welcomes 12 New Beavers

Cubs have a visit from a REAL Super Hero!

RoVent and Beyond


Venturer's meeting

venturers tonight


Life jackets and paddles

Canoe camp and more

Venturers will be going canoeing October 3-5

Scouts go to the Adirondacks

Cubs Begins Wed Sept 17th at 6:45 PM

As we draw the Scouting Season to a Close:

Scouts and Venturers Canoe Camp - Crotch Lake 2014

scouts canoe Meech Lake May 2014

Scout Bike Camp 2014

Scouts mountain bike - Kanata May 2014

Cub Kar fun

Cubs tour the CBC

Scout's CBC Tour

Cub Winter Camp

The Great January 2014 Bottle Drive

Scout Winter Camp 2014 - The Quinzhee Apocollapse!