White Tail Beavers from the 32nd Ottawa (Thursday)
deliver their donation to the Parkdale Food Centre
They call it a Northern Lights Quest. Each year, Beavers in their final year of the program complete outdoor skill badges, volunteer hours and contribute to making the world (and their community) a better place through a community service project. Here are six of the nine Beavers who raised $314.45 for the Parkdale Food Centre through a lemonade stand and bake sale at the Hintonburg Community Centre this spring.

This is in addition to $300 raised for the centre by Beavers and Scouts from the 32nd Ottawa this past winter.

Manager Karen Secord generously provided a personal tour of the centre to show Beavers how their contribution would be put to work helping families in their community.

Beavers get stuff done!


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